Stieg Larsson
The Girl Who Played With Fire
Freddy McBain, (Location 348)
rescinded.” (Location 650)
erring (Location 683)
coup (Location 717)
blatant (Location 719)
lecherous (Location 726)
conundrum. (Location 744)
rundown (Location 766)
conscientiously (Location 770)
deduced (Location 774)
excerpts (Location 798)
stymied. (Location 811)
roused (Location 835)
reverie (Location 836)
The steep hills began to tell on her muscles. (Location 862)
pulpit. (Location 887)
stowed.” (Location 962)
menacingly (Location 965)
subdued (Location 967)
and was nursing a drink. (Location 969)
scarcely (Location 1058)
passively (Location 1059)
gash (Location 1060)
veranda (Location 1079)
facade, (Location 1079)
debris. (Location 1080)
dog-tired, (Location 1088)
constellation (Location 1128)
inconsolable (Location 1135)
lain (Location 1147)
kefir, (Location 1156)
pensively. (Location 1162)
slush (Location 1167)
haphazardly, (Location 1180)
sparsely (Location 1196)
avuncular (Location 1207)
cog (Location 1258)
Apart from Berger, the meeting included an editorial assistant, Malin Eriksson, partner and art director Christer Malm, the reporter Monika Nilsson, and part-timers Lottie Karim and Henry Cortez. (Location 1364)
augmented (Location 1366)
et cetera. (Location 1405)
hang out to dry.” (Location 1468)
go under. (Location 1485)
Berger (30 per cent), Blomkvist (20 per cent), Malm (20 per cent), and Harriet Vanger (30 per cent). (Location 1729)
kiosk (Location 1912)
berserk (Location 2011)
went pear-shaped. (Location 2028)
the artistic decoration of buildings and its influence, (Location 2174)
articulate (Location 2314)
I feel as cool as a cucumber.” (Location 2592)
“You know the subject backwards. (Location 2592)
stalemate.” (Location 2666)
He’s as slippery as an eel. (Location 2916)
fought tooth and nail (Location 3263)
had come like a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue sky, (Location 3337)
I haven’t seen hide nor hair of (Location 3461)
her (Location 3461)
officers Magnusson and Ohlsson. (Location 3560)
field superintendent, Oswald Mårtensson, (Location 3561)
Inspector Nyberg (Location 3619)
hiatus (Location 3671)
privy (Location 3823)
Prosecutor Richard Ekström’s (Location 3829)
Richard Ekström. (Location 3832)
Criminal Inspector Jan Bublanski, known to his colleagues as Officer Bubble. (Location 3849)
cynic. (Location 4217)
untoward, (Location 4275)
apprehension (Location 4275)
tried to make head or tail of the situation. (Location 4522)
The strange thing about the dog is that it did not bark, my dear Watson. (Location 4685)
pseudonyms (Location 4964)
going a little off the rails,” (Location 5057)
I’ve worried myself sick over it. (Location 5063)
berserk. (Location 5110)
Dr Peter Teleborian, (Location 5308)
surmise (Location 5326)
albeit (Location 5369)
eloquent (Location 5376)
work in tandem (Location 5622)
shebang (Location 6188)
torrent (Location 6316)
knocked the wind out of her. (Location 6595)
do-gooder. (Location 6779)
There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility. (Location 6780)
It proved once again the theory that no security system is a match for a stupid employee. (Location 6867)
He definitely had something between his ears. (Location 7101)
Gunnar Björck, sixty-two years old, unmarried, born in Falun. Had been in the police force since he was twenty-one. Began as a patrol officer, but studied law and fetched up in Säpo, the Security Police, when he was twenty-six or twenty-seven. That was in 1969 or 1970, just at the end of Per Gunnar Vinge’s time as chief (Location 7176)
there. (Location 7179)
Ragnar Lassinanti, the governor of Norrbotten county, (Location 7180)
Cilla Norén, lead singer of the Satanist group Evil Fingers, (Location 7340)
time frame (Location 7479)
angelic. (Location 7687)
His mouth was as dry as a bone, (Location 7689)
tentative (Location 8059)
That is the crux of almost every fight, the moment when the strength drains out of you and the adrenaline pumps so hard that it becomes a burden and surrender appears like a ghost at the ringside. That is the moment that separates the pros from the amateurs and the winner from the loser. Few boxers who find themselves at that abyss manage to turn the match around, turn certain defeat into victory. (Location 8102)
futile. (Location 8172)
red rag to a bull. (Location 8442)
reverence. (Location 8460)
As luck would have it, (Location 8463)
monologue. (Location 8546)
tantalize (Location 8553)
see the light of day. (Location 8572)
burned his bridges (Location 8856)
ulterior (Location 9169)
Do not lift a finger for a lost cause. (Location 10570)