Andrew Roberts
Napoleon the Great
Versailles (Location 370)
Tags: pink
impecunious (Location 383)
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frivolous. (Location 383)
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‘To my mother’, he would say, ‘I owe my fortune and all I’ve done that’s worthwhile.’11 (Location 384)
‘My mother was a superb woman, a woman of ability and courage,’ (Location 396)
‘Her tenderness was severe; here was the head of a man on the body of a woman.’ (Location 397)
His persistent tendency to promote his family would later significantly damage his own interests. (Location 411)
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paucity (Location 422)
Tags: pink
conjectural, (Location 423)
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precocious (Location 423)
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prodigious (Location 423)
Tags: pink
Letizia told a government minister that her son ‘had never partaken of the amusements of children his own age, that he carefully avoided them, that he found himself a little room on the third floor of the house in which he stayed by himself and didn’t come down very often, even to eat with his family. Up there, he read constantly, especially history books.’21 (Location 424)
Tags: orange
an 800-page novel of love and redemption, at the age of nine, and said ‘It turned my head.’22 (Location 427)
Tags: orange
Alexander the Great, (Location 434)
Tags: blue
Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Gustavus Adolfus, Prince Eugene and Frederick the Great. (Location 434)
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ecclesiastical (Location 474)
Tags: pink
Caesar, Cicero, Voltaire, Diderot and the Abbé Raynal, as well as Erasmus, Eutropius, Livy, Phaedrus, Sallust, Virgil and the first century BC Cornelius Nepos’ Lives of the Great Captains, (Location 502)
Tags: blue
Napoleon’s two greatest heroes, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar; (Location 512)
implacable (Location 524)
Tags: pink
reminisced (Location 527)
Tags: pink